Goldfield Doins

Goldfield, NV

April, 2005

Goldfield Doins




goldfield11 goldfield17 goldfield19
Clampers at Work  Headframe  Modern House 
 goldfield20  goldfield22  goldfield26
Sunset over Goldfield  Old Saloon   Grave Site
 goldfield27  goldfield28  goldfield29
 Signalling Who? Officers of Equal Indignity   Sound the Hewgag
 goldfield30  goldfield32  goldfield36
 Braying Which Dummy?  Where's the Red? 


Monument Dedication

100 0244 100 0253 100 0254
Enjoying the SantaFe History Lesson Gathering the Brothers
100 0257 100 0259 100 0260
The Saloon Listening to
100 0261 100 0262 100 0263
The Lesson Congratulations!
100 0264 100 0265 100 0266
The Brotherhood Monument Builders The Ossifers
img 0845 100 0267 100 0268
History Lesson More Builders Who Runs the Saloon!
100 0270 100 0273 100 0274
Everybody The Monument A Later Visitor
  100 0255  
  What it Says  


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