Rachel Doins

Double Groom Mining District

April 18-20, 2008

Not a Frank Wait Desert Run


100 2660 100 2662 184 8462
Learning About Tungsten
100 2678 100 2681 184 8463
Mining In the mine Coming Out
IMG 8598a IMG 8607a 184 8468
On the Mountaintop Even Higher! Who is First
184 8467 IMG 8592a 184 8472
To Notice? The Wordsmith, of course! The Famous Black Mailbox
100 2571 184 8474 184 8473
Where to Next? Sublime Presence No Pictures
  100 2694  


PBCs at Work and Play


IMG 8572a 100 2608 100 2616
Nice Headgear! Let's Build
100 2622 100 2623 100 2631
a Monument! First Build
100 2632 100 2633 100 2637
a Foundation Then
100 2646 100 2651 184 8454
Pour the Cement
IMG 8559a 100 2703 100 2704
Is It In Right? Making Great Grub!
184 8434 184 8437 184 8440
Ready for Advancement
  184 8444  


Doin's Action


100 2643 IMG 8612a 100 2635
Setting the Scene
184 8441 100 2590 100 2592
Naturally! Brothers
100 2593 100 2594 100 2597
Out Visitors Too! Mighty
100 2598 100 2615 100 2620
Good Grub Move the Line!
100 2621 100 2701 100 2702
Mostly Greybeards Find the Alien Great People!
100 2705 100 2706 100 2711
The Sublime Allien Asshole at Work More Aliens
100 2712 184 8427 184 8428
More Great People Chillin' Before the Duststorm Just Arrived
184 8429 184 8435 184 8449
Gettin' Set Up Ready to Eat
184 8450 184 8451 184 8452
More Chillin' More
184 8453 184 8455 184 8456
Eatin' Documenting the Scene Chillin'
184 8457 184 8458 184 8459
and More Chillin' Hangin'
184 8460 185 8508 IMG 8497
Out Humbuggery Greybeards
IMG 8499 IMG 8500 IMG 8501
Z in His Normal State After the Ceremony
IMG 8502 IMG 8504 IMG 8574a
Tiny Swolen From Cookin' Clamper Activity


Plaque Dedication


100 2713 100 2715 100 2717
Local Matriarchs The Days
100 2716 100 2721 100 2718
Clamphistorians natural Habitat Listening to
185 8511 100 2724 100 2727
The History Bigwigs Smallwigs
185 8512 185 8515 185 8516
and Locals Pose with
185 8519 IMG 8613a IMG 8617a
The Monument Close to the


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