Daniel Bonelli

Queho'st Guard, NV

June 21, 2008

Daniel Bonelli


Drill Team Practice


100 2801 100 2802 100 2814
Training for the
100 2815 100 2816 100 2817
Fourth of July Parade


Before Boarding


IMG 8630 IMG 8633 IMG 8635
 Where's the bees?  PBCs  Visiting
IMG 8637 IMG 8647 CRW 8557
 Dignitaries!  More Visiting Dignitaries  PBCs in Training
CRW 8558 CRW 8560 CRW 8561
 Sign In  More Training  Supervising
CRW 8563 CRW 8564 CRW 8565
 Where's the Cards?  The Boat's over There!  Where's My Microscope?
CRW 8566 CRW 8567 CRW 8568
 A Happy PBC  Recalling  Past Doins'
CRW 8569 100 2818 100 2819
Story Time  PBC  Serenade
100 2820 100 2824 100 2825
Decked Out  Brothers Waiting  MHP Must Be Speechifying
100 2826 100 2827 100 2828
I Guess So  Some Escaped  Others Let It Pass
100 2829 100 2830 100 2831
 Cap'n Z  Lessons for the  Uninitiated
100 2832 100 2833 100 2834
 Good Times About to Start!  Real Soon!  More Story Time




CRW 8571 IMG 8653 CRW 8573
 The Banner The Sublime  Visiting 
CRW 8574 CRW 8575 CRW 8577
Dignitaries  Grand  Entry
CRW 8578 100 2839 CRW 8579
XNGH Gary  Mr Hat  More
CRW 8580 CRW 8581 CRW 8583
Visitors  Grand Entry   XNGH Nadd
100_2840 100_2841 CRW 8584
 More Visitors  VNGH Dennis Mickey 
CRW 8585 CRW 8586 CRW 8587
 Wrenches  Brothers and Visitors 
100 2844 CRW 8589 CRW 8590
and Skateboard   Make a Grand Entry Big Elvis 
  100 2845  
   and Visitors Enter  


The Doins'


100 2847 100 2848 CRW 8592
On the  Boat   PBCs Study
CRW 8594 CRW 8595 CRW 8596
Chillin'   Visiting  on
IMG 8656 IMG 8657 IMG 8665
 the  Deck  Dignitaries
IMG 8670 100 2855 100 2856
Visiting   on the  Deck
CRW 8598 CRW 8599 CRW 8600
Oration  Listening  Raptly 
CRW 8602 CRW 8604 CRW 8605
to the History  The Plaque  Close Up 
100 2857 100 2859 CRW 8570
NGH At Work   Grand Exit Next  The Plaque



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