Amargosa Doins

October 17-19, 2008

Early Doins Activities

100 2933 100 2934 100 2916
Jack Longstreet's Monument Waiting for Activity
100 2918 100 2919 100 2920
Saying Hello Just Talkin'
100 2923 100 2929 186 8637
Setting Up Camp Chillin'
186 8639 186 8695 186 8696
Hangin' BigElvis's Dinner? Lip Smackin Good!
186 8699 IMG 8706 IMG 8713
In Line Wanderin's New Friend Friday
IMG 8718 IMG 8722 IMG 8740
Night's Camp What's Up Shootin'
IMG 8743 IMG 8744 IMG 8746
the Breeze Hangmany
IMG 8748 IMG 8756 IMG 8757
Emuff Said Complicated Supervising
IMG 8766   IMG 8774



PBCs: Training & Build a Monument!

186 8640 186 8641 186 8642
Yep. It's a Hole. Digging It Discussing
186 8643 186 8645 186 8646
the Design PBCs and Clampers
186 8647 186 8648 186 8649
Hard at Work Setting
186 8650 186 8651 186 8660
Up the Monument
186 8661 186 8688 186 8689
Pouring the Concrete
186 8694 100 2936 IMG 8711
Riders More PBCs at Work
IMG 8712 IMG 8724 IMG 8735
Checking it out Cooking PBCs Love Their Horses


Plaque Dedication


186 8703 186 8702 186 8705
The Orator The NGH PBCs & Their Plaque
186 8706 186 8708 186 8709
Notables The Crowd The Monument
  IMG 8799  
  The Plaque  



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