Cal-Nev-Ari Doins

Kidwell Field

October 9-11, 2009

Southern Alliance 4 Way Doins


Doins Action

100 3372 100 3373 100 3375
Checkin' Wanderin' More Checkin
100 3376 100 3384 100 3388
Settin' Up Checking Out the
100 3390 100 3391 100 3393
Stores Nice! Who's Widder
100 3394 100 3407 100 3408
Is That? High Power Medium Power
100 3409 100 3410 100 3416
History Power XSNGH Why We're Here!
100 3423 100 3432 100 3433
Been a Long Time! Great Sounds! A Small Brother!
100 3434 100 3445 100 3446
Asshole's RV Planning a Monument Bring Your Own Shade
100 3447 100 3448 100 3450
Chillin'! Talking History
100 3451 100 3453 CRW 9676
Seeing the Doins's
CRW 9677 CRW 9678 CRW 9679
Sites Relaxing at
CRW 9680 CRW 9682 CRW 9683
the Clampsite More
CRW 9685 CRW 9709 CRW 9710
Seeing the Clampsites
CRW 9720 CRW 9721 CRW 9741
I'm from Mentone! Good Eatin' Discussing
CRW 9745 CRW 9751 CRW 9752
the Doins' Generations! Good Eatin'
CRW 9753 CRW 9754 CRW 9756
Good Stuff at the Store! Relaxing
CRW 9757 CRW 9758 CRW 9759
in the Shade
CRW 9760 CRW 9761 CRW 9762
Brothers Seeing the
CRW 9771 CRW 9772 CRW 9773
Sights Just Got Here! Good Friends!
CRW 9774 CRW 9775 CRW 9777
Meeting People!! Good Eatin'! More
CRW 9779 CRW 9782 CRW 9785
Good Eatin'! Lots of People Here! New
  CRW 9786  


 PBCs: Let's Make a Monument


100 3387 100 3400 CRW 9674
Big Elvis & PBCs PBC Instruction At Work: Cleanup
CRW 9675 CRW 9684 CRW 9686
Nice Beanie! PBCs Being
CRW 9687 CRW 9689 CRW 9690
Instructed Instructors Final Instructions
CRW 9692 CRW 9693 CRW 9694
Power Digging the Hole
CRW 9695 CRW 9696 CRW 9699
Digging the Hole
CRW 9697 CRW 9700 CRW 9701
Ready Mix Which PBC
CRW 9704 CRW 9705 CRW 9706
Broke the Plaque?
CRW 9703 CRW 9707 CRW 9711
Instructing PBCs Making Cement What's Next?
CRW 9714 CRW 9716 CRW 9718
Signing the Plaque
CRW 9722 CRW 9723 CRW 9725
Readying the Form Water Line
CRW 9726 CRW 9727 CRW 9728
Mixing Cement Form Leveling
CRW 9731 CRW 9735 CRW 9738
Heavy Lifting Moving Cement
CRW 9740 CRW 9742 CRW 9746
Pouring Cement A Happy PBC Cement
CRW 9747 CRW 9748 CRW 9749
Mixing More Pouring A Finished Monument
CRW 9755 CRW 9763 CRW 9764
More Cleanup Lineup Heading
CRW 9765 CRW 9767 CRW 9768
Towards Inquisition Fun
CRW 9769   CRW 9770
At   Inquisition


Plaque Dedication


100 3449 100 3460 CRW 9719
WWII Veteran Nancy Kidwell
CRW 9787 CRW 9788 CRW 9789
Host NGH NGH He Always Speaks
CRW 9790 CRW 9791 CRW 9792
The Kidwells Nancy Speaks NGH
CRW 9793 CRW 9794 CRW 9795
NGH NFH The Unveiling
100 3464 CRW 9796 CRW 9797
Erection Crew Again The Monument
CRW 9798 CRW 9799 CRW 9800
Nancy and Mark The Plaque Big Elvis and Mickey
  CRW 9801  



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